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Curriculum vitae Andrбs Gyula Kбdas

5 Грудня, 2018
kadash.jpgCurriculum vitae                        

Personal information:
Name:     András Gyula Kádas
Work address:    1-3 Kossuth Lajos Square, Budapest, 1055, Hungary
E-mail:    andras.kadas@parlament.hu
Nationality:     Hungarian

1.    Professional experience:
July 2009-ongoing,     Advisor – Office of the Hungarian National Assembly
Main responsibilities:
•    Participating in and advising on the supporting processes of legislation in the Directorate for Legislation with special responsibilities in the budgetary legislation, such as writing recommendations to the Budget Committee in accordance with the amendments aiming at the budget proposal’s estimates, drafting documents in relation to the voting procedure in budgetary matters, etc.
•    Leading and managing the process of several ICT related organization development projects as project manager (ParLex, e.g.); leading the work of the project team, controlling external executors, analyzing their performance

  • Contributing to the strategic planning activities of the Directorate of Legislation
  • Collaborating with various Hungarian public bodies in several projects
  • Conducting research as correspondent to several inter-parliamentary cooperation especially in the field of public finance, parliamentary practice, and ICT
  • Representing the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly in international cooperation. Member of official delegations from the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly:
  • November 2013, European Commission, Brussels –  Horizon 2020 consultation for MPs /attendant/
  • March 2014, Danish Parliament, Copenhagen – Professional consultation /delegation secretary/
  • March 2014, Austrian Parliament, Vienna – Professional consultation /delegation secretary/
  • April, 2014,  National Council,  Bratislava, Slovakia – Professional consultation /delegation secretary/
  • January, 2015, European Parliament, Brussels – Professional consultation /delegation secretary/
  • December, 2015, Tweede Kammer, Den Haag, – Professional consultation /head of delegation/
  • ECPRD professional seminars: Budapest (2012), Podgorica (2014), Rome (2014), Baku (2016), Tbilisi (2018), London (2018)
  • IPU World e-Parliament Conferences: Seoul (2014), Valparaiso (2016), Geneva (2018)
  • Visiting scholar at the Office of the Japanese Diet (2017)
  • January – May 2012,     Associate – Office of the Scottish Parliament

Main responsibilities:
•    Attending the European and External Relations Committee sittings, producing background materials
•    Supporting the Financial Scrutiny Unit of The Scottish Parliament Information Centre, conducting research in the field of the budgetary legislation by comparing the Hungarian and the Scottish budget processes, addressing inquiries, data collecting, analysis
July 2007-2008,     Trainee – Hungarian Economy Development Centre    
Main responsibilities:
•    Checking and scrutinizing various application reports funded by the European Union
•    Preparing and assisting in relation to EU subsidy contracts
•    Contributing to the development of various operational documents of the Monitoring Department

2.    Educational background:
GRIPS – National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Tokyo, Japan)
Young Leaders Program – School of Government, 2016-17
Master of Public Policy
Corvinus University of Budapest – Faculty of Business Administration, 2010-2014
Corvinus University of Budapest – Faculty of Public Administration, 2004-2009
Master/Expert of Public Administration  

3.    Language skills:
Hungarian: native, English: full working proficiency, German: limited working proficiency
4.    Others:
   2011,     Guest lecturer – Corvinus University of Budapest
•    Teaching the courses of ‘The Institutions of the European Union’ and the ‘Public Administration in Practice’
2018,     Expert – National University of Public Service
•    Mapping out the system of desired competencies for civil servants in the fields of decision-making and monitoring, as well as regulatory impact assessment in public policy