Національна академія наук України Київський університет права

Коротка біографічна довідка Райнера Арнольда

21 Травня, 2012

   Prof. Dr. Rainer ARNOLD           


1.   Full Professor at University of Regensburg/Germany (since 1978)

Chair of  Public Law / Comparative Law, EU Law, Economic Administrative Law
1976-1978  Professor at the University of Konstanz
Jean Monnet Chair of EU Law (since 1999)
Jean Monnet Chair ad personam: Legal Relations of the EU with Central, Easternand  South Eastern Europe (since 2008)

Dean of the Faculty  1981 -1983

2.    Director of the German Law Studies Programme at Moscow Lomonossov State
University (since 2002)

German Director of the EU Law Center at Istanbul Bahcesehir University (since2009)

3. Visiting Professor:

Charles University of Prague (permanently since 1999)
University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne):1993,1995, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2006,2007
Universiy of Paris II  (Panthéon-Assas):2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 –  2008 (each year)   
University of Strasbourg (Collège doctoral européen): 2010 (March and September)
University of Rome (La Sapienza): 1995, 2000
University of Bologna: 2002
Moscow State University Lomonossov: since 1994 every year
Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile:2003, 2010

4. European University Institute
Fiesole/ Florence

Fernand Braudel Fellow 2008 (3 months)
Visiting Fellow: 2003/2004 (2 months), 2006

5.Oxford European and Comparative Law Institute:
Research  2004 (2 months), 2005, 2006, 2008

6.Harvard Law School: Research 2008 (1 month)

7. International Association of Constitutional Law
Secretary General of the Forum Constitutionnel Européen (European Constitutional Network (since 2008)

Co-Director of workshops at the World Congresses in Athens (2006) and
Mexico City (2010)

8. Académie internationale de droit comparé
Membre associé (since 2002); General Reporter at the World     
Congresses in Utrecht (2006) on European Constitutional Law and in
Washington (2010) on Human Rights

9. Academy of Science of Bologna

Corresponding Member since 2002
10. National Associations of Constitutional Law

Honorary member of the Russian Association of Constitutional Law
Honorary member of the Slovenian Association of Constitutional Law
Member of the Polisch Association of Constitutional Law
Member of the French Association of Constitutionalists
Member of the German Staatsrechtslehrervereinigung, the German Association of Comparative Law, the German Association of EU Law, the German Association of International Law

11.Organization of 14 International Congresses on European and
Comparative Constitutional Law at Regensburg, with internationally renowned academics and Presidents and Judges of
Constitutional Courts in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe

Creation of an International Research Network

12. Member of the Board of Editors of various international journals

Tulane European &Civil Law Forum, New Orleans,
Revue française de droit  constitutionnel, Paris,
Revista Europeo de Derechos Fundamentales, Madrid,
Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo,Granada,
Rivista Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo,Torino,
Review of Central and East European Law, Leiden,
Ukrainian Journal of European Studies,Kiew
Právní Rozhledy (for 10 years until 2011), Praha
European Review of Public Law, Paris, Athens

13. Editor

Developments in European Law / Développements en droit européen/ Entwicklungen im Europäischen Recht,
 Vol. 1 – 36  by  Jean Monnet Chair, vol. 37 –  by University Publishing House Regensburg

German – Russian Law Developments, University Publishing House, Regensburg, together with the Law Faculty of Moscow
Lomonossov State University, Dean Prof. A. Golitchenkov German – Ukrainian Law Discussions (Deutswch-Ukrainische Rechtsgespräche), Vol. 1 – 3, Jean Monnet Chair R. Arnold


more than 350 publications (books and articles) in international
publishing houses and journals in the fields of German and Comparative
Law, EC/EU Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

Most recently:

 Evropské  Právo, C.H. Beck Praha, 4th ed., 2011, together with L. Tichý, J. Zémánek, R. Král, T. Dumbrovský, 953 p.;  R. Arnold (ed.), The Emergence of European Constitutional Law, Sakkoulas/Athens and Bruylant/Brussels, 2009, 429 p.; R. Arnold (ed.), The Cooperation and Partnership Agreement EU – Ukraine. Foreign Investment in the Ukraine, Deutsch-Ukrainische Rechtsgespräche, vol. 3, 2008. In preparation: The Universalism of Human Rights, Springer Publishing House 2012


In many universities in Europe (in particular in Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Czech Republic,Russia) and overseas (Korea, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Marocco, Tunesia)


English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Czech ( in Czech reading knowlege)