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Коротка біографічна довідка Варга Чоби

10 Травня, 2012

Csaba VARGA (Pécs, 1941–) is a Hungarian jurisprudent, emeritus research professor at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences [H–1250 Budapest, Postal Box 25; varga@jog.mta.hu] and emeritus professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Hungary [H–1428 Budapest 8, Postal Box 6; varga@jak.ppke.hu], who founded its Institute for Legal Philosophy in 1995 and directed it since. His professional interest ranges from legal philosophy & methodology via patterns of judicial thought to comparative legal cultures and judicial mind. His monographs in English—on The Place of Law in Lukács’ World Concept (1985/1998), Codification as a Socio-historical Phenomenon (1991), Theory of the Judicial Process The Establishment of Facts (1995), Transition to Rule of Law On the Democratic Transformation in Hungary (1995), Lectures on the Paradigms of Legal Thinking (1999), Transition? To Rule of Law? Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice Challenged in Central & Eastern Europe (2008)—have been accompanied by collections of his papers both in English—Law and Philosophy (1994), Comparative Legal Cultures On Traditions Classified, their Rapprochement & Transfer, and the Anarchy of Hyper-rationalism, with Appendix on Legal Ethnography (2011) as well as Theory & Philosophy of Law Norm, Logic, System, Doctrine & Technique in Legal Processes, with Appendix on European Law and Contemporary Legal Philosophising Schmitt, Kelsen, Hart, & Law and Literature, with Marxism’s Dark Legacy in Central Europe (forthcoming)—and in Latinic (Études en philosophie du droit / Estudios en filosofia del derecho 1994), Germanic (Rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze 1994) and Slavic languages (Право Теория и философия 1994). Most of his authored and some of his edited books, as well as the Festschrift dedicated to him internationally (Theatrvm legale mvndi Symbola Cs. Varga oblata 2007), are made available in <http://drcsabavarga.wordpress.com> , in addition to his complete bibliography and the bibliography of his works available in Slavic languages with indications to the relevant electronic resources.