Dr Oksana Kashyntseva
Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory
of the Law of Bioethics and Medical Law
Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, 2011
a. Locating the content of the course within the discipline
Due to the specific character of the subject, the course Comparative Law of Bioethics is multidisciplinary. The course reflects the legal aspects of the protection of Human Rights in the sphere of Biology and Medicine from the point of comparative analysis of the legal doctrines of Bioethics.
The main idea of the course is to clarify the legal doctrines of the Law of Bioethics and to provide the comparative legal analysis of international and domestic legislation in the mentioned sphere.
b. Locating the course within the curriculum
This course is conducted to the law magisterial program for the students of the Kyiv University of Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The course Comparative Law of Bioethics fits into a program after the baccalaureate on the basis of the courses Medical Law, Civil Law and the Human Rights Law, International Public Law and International Private Law.
c. Students assumed knowledge basis for course participation
The course can be attended by the students who have already acquired basic knowledge of the Civil Law, Human Rights Law, International Public Law, International Private Law and Medical Law.
The course aims are the following:
1) To provide students with the main principles and norms of Bioethics and with main legal doctrines of Bioethics.
2) To enable students to analyze the International and National Legislation in the sphere of Bioethics and the Case Law in the mentioned sphere.
3) To develop own students standpoints with regard to ethical and legal aspects of Bioethics.
After participation in class discussion and completing the assignment students should be able:
1) to analyze the main international treaties in the sphere of protection of Human Rights in the sphere of biology and medicine;
2) to analyze the national legislation in the sphere of bioethics;
3) to analyze the cases in the sphere of bioethics;
4) to compare domestic legislation of the EU countries in the sphere of Bioethics;
5) critically reflect the scientific literature in the sphere of Bioethics.
The course “Comparative Law of Bioethics” consists of two main parts: the Theoretical Part, which is provided in the form of lectures, and practical part, which is provided in the form of seminars.
The lectures’ part of the course provides students with the theoretical background of the modern Law of Bioethics, consists of the comparative analysis of the international and domestic legislation of the European countries in the sphere of biology and medicine and also provides students with the theoretical background of the existing law doctrines in the sphere of Bioethics.
The seminars’ part of the course forms the practical skills of the students to analyze the legislation and scientific literature, to make scientific conclusions, to work out the drafts of the litigation documents in the sphere of protection of Human Rights in biology and medicine.
Lecture I – National Bioethical Law Doctrines in EU and USA
i. The Law of Bioethics in European Union and the United States of America;
ii. The influence of the scientific community on the law-making process in the sphere of biotechnologies and medicine;
iii. The role of non-governmental organisations in the sphere of protection of Human Rights in the sphere of biotechnologies and medicine;
iv. Comparative analysis of the different national attitudes in European Union to the legal regulation of the biotechnological researches.
Lecture II – Bioethics principles of the legal protection of human beings
i. Comparative analysis of the legal status of a human embryo;
ii. Comparative analysis of the legal protection of the objects of biotechnologies (in particular living beings) as the objects of the Patent Law;
iii. Comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the cloning with reproductive goal;
iv. Comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the cloning with therapeutic goal.
Lecture III – Comparative analysis of legal protection of the human genetic information
i. The legal regulation of prognostic medical researches on the basis of genetic materials of people;
ii. The protection of women’s and children’s rights at the time of providing the prognostic genetic researches of pregnant women;
iii. The lobbying in the field of legal regulation of biotechnologies by medical insurance companies: the possibilities of providing the prognostic medical genetic researches.
Lecture IV – The Rights to the Gender Identity in the context of the main Human Rights in European law doctrine
i. Ethical aspects of the rights of transgender people;
ii. Social rights of transgender people;
iii. The legal protection of transgender people’s rights.
Lecture V – Ethical and Legal Aspects of Transplantation
i. Ethical aspects of transplantation;
ii. Social doctrine of transplantation;
iii. Legal doctrines of transplantation.
Lecture VI – Ethical and Legal Aspects of Reproductive Medicine
i. The right to reproduction as a part of Human Rights;
ii. Legal regulation of reproduction;
iii. Ethical aspects of the reproductive medicine;
iv. Ethical and legal aspects of surrogacy motherhood.
Lecture VII – Legal Regulation of Biobanks
i. The social role of Biobanks from the point of the modern medicine and biology;
ii. The legal regime of biobanks;
iii. Ethical aspects of creation of biobanks;
iv. The legal perspective of Biobanks in Ukraine.
Lecture VIII – Comparative analysis of the practice of the legal protection of the Human Rights in the sphere of biotechnologies and medicine
i. The practice of the national courts;
ii. The practice of the European Court of Human Rights;
iii. The practice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities;
iv. The practice of prevention of discrimination for the people’s genetic characteristics of governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Seminar 1 – Bioethical principles of the legal protection of human beings
Issues for discussion:
– Comparative analysis of the legal status of a human embryo;
– Comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the cloning with therapeutic goal.
Recommended film:
Eggsploitation (2010) /, Scientific and Research Laboratory of the Law of Bioethics and Medical Law
Seminar 2 – Comparative analysis of the legal protection of the human genetic information
Issues for discussion:
– The lobbying in the field of legal regulation of biotechnologies by medical insurance companies: the possibilities of providing the prognostic medical genetic researches;
– Legal regulation of prognostic medical researches on the basis of genetic materials of people.
Seminar 3 – The Rights to the Gender Identity in the context of the basic Human Rights in European law doctrine
Issues for discussion:
– Ethical aspects of the rights of transgender people;
– The legal protection of transgender people’s rights.
Seminar 4 – Ethical and Legal Aspects of Transplantation
Issues for discussion:
– Legal doctrines of transplantation;
– Discussion about the film Kidney Donation (presented by the CELAB of Central European University)
Recommended film:
Never Let Me Go, dir. Mark Romanek (2010), Scientific and Research Laboratory of the Law of Bioethics and Medical Law
Seminar 5 – Ethical and Legal Aspects of Reproductive Medicine
Issues for discussion:
– The right to reproduction as a part of Human Rights;
– Ethical and legal aspects of surrogacy motherhood.
Seminar 6 – Comparative analysis of the practice of the legal protection of the Human Rights in the sphere of biotechnologies and medicine
Issues for discussion:
– The practice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities;
– The practice of National courts.
1. Болье Етьен. Реакция – агрессивность. / Требования биоэтики: медицина между надеждой и опасением. – К.: Сфера – 1999.
2. Бойко І. Біоетика. – Львів: Видавництво Українського Католицького Університету. – 2007.
3. Перший Всеукраїнський конгрес з медичного права і соціальної політики. 14-15 квітня 2007 року, м. Київ: Збірник тез доповідей / Упор. к.ю.н. Гревцова Р.Ю., д.м.н. Степаненко А.В. – Київ: Видавничий дім „Авіценна”, 2007. – 96 с.
4. Гревцова Р.Ю. Правові питання відносин між лікарем і пацієнтом / Therapia. № 7/8. – 2007.
5. Гревцова Р.Ю. Правові питання відносин між лікарем і пацієнтом / Therapia. № 9. – 2007.
6. Гревцова Р.Ю. Правові питання відносин між лікарем і пацієнтом / Therapia. № 10. – 2007.
7. Гревцова Р.Ю. Смерть пацієнта: етико-правові моменти. / Управління закладом охорони здоров’я. – № 6. – 2008.
8. Гревцова Р.Ю. Документи, що мають юридичне значення у діяльності закладів охорони здоров’я. / Здоров’я України. – № 6. – 2008.
9. Гревцова Р.Ю. Медицинское право Украины: современное состояние и перспективы развития / Юридическое и деонтологическое обеспечение прав российских граждан на охрану здоровья: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Суздаль, 28-29 мая 2008 г. / Под ред. член-корр. РАМН, проф. Ю.Д. Сергеева, проф. С.В. Ерофеева. – Иваново-Владимир: НАМП, 2008. – 424 с. – С. 19-26.
10. Москаленко В.Ф., Грузева Т.С., Гревцова Р.Ю. Актуальные правовые проблемы осуществления фармацевтической деятельности в Украине / Научные труды IV Всероссийского съезда (Национального конгресса) по медицинскому праву / Под ред. член-корр. РАМН, проф. Ю.Д. Сергеева, проф. С.В. Ерофеева. – М.: НАМП, 2009. – 364 с. – С. 36-39.
11. Грищенко В. Етичні питання клітинної і тканинної трансплантації / Вісник НАН України. – 2002. – № 1. – С. 26-31.
12. Грищенко О. Проблеми клонування: суспільний та правовий аспекти / Юстиніан. – 2005. – №10.
13. Дахно Ф.В. Біоетика клонування / Антологія біоетики. – Львів: БАК. – 2003.
14. Запорожан В. Гоженко А. Від біоетики до етики / Вісник НАН України. – 2004. – № 8. – С.13-17.
15. Короткий Т.Р. Правові аспекти клонування людини / Антологія біоетики. – Львів: БАК. – 2003. – стор. 105-116.
16. Приссе-Виньо Франсуаза. От биоэтики к этике медицинской / Требования биоэтики: медицина между надеждой и опасением. – К.: Сфера – 1999.
17. Радченко В.В. Радченко М.Р. Биоэтические аспекты клеточной трансплантации / Доктор. – 2004. – № 4. – С.46-49.
18. Тарахонич Т. Тарахонич О. Біоетичні проблеми: теоретично-правовий аспект / Вісник НАН України. – 2002. – № 1. – С. 41-43.
19. Поппер К. Открытое общество и его враги. – Т. 2. – М.: Феникс. – 1992. – С. 341.
20. Чешко В. Біоетика і громадянське суспільство / Вісник НАН України. – 2002. – № 1. – С.43-49.
21. Van Renssellaer Potter. Bioethics: Bridge to the Future. – Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey.
22. Hajer M.,Kesselring S. Democracy in Risk Society? Learning from the New Politics of Mobility in Munich / Environmental Politics. – 1998. – №3. – Р. 1-23
23. Chyrowicz. B. Bioetyka i ryzyko. – Lublin. -2000.
24. Wnukiewicz-Ko?owska A.. Eksperyment medyczny. – Dom wydawniczy ABC. – 2004.
25. Malheber J.F.. L’embriyon est-il une persone humaine? / Lumier et Vie. – 1985. – № 172. – S. 19.
26. Goldening J.M.. The brain-life theory: towards a consistent biological definition of humaneness / Journal of Medical Ethic. – 1985. – № 11. – S. 201.
27. Gertler G.B.. Brain Birth: A Personal for Defining when a Fetus is Entitled to Human Life Status / Southern California Law Review. – 1986. – № 59. – s. 1061 – 1078;
28. Lones G.. The Problematic Symmetry between Brain Birth and Brain Death / Journal of Medical Ethic. – 1998. – № 24. – S. 237-242.
29. Burgess J.A., S.A. Tawia. When Did You First Begin to Feel it? / Bioethics. – 1996. – №10. – s. 1-26.
30. Mason J.K.R.A. McCall Smith. Law and Medical Ethics. – London-Dublin-Edinburg. – 1994.
31. Martha Albertson Fineman. Adam P. Romero. Feminist and Queer Legal Theory. – 2009
32. Sheldon Krymsky. Tania Simoncelli. Genetic Justice. – 2011.
33. Jonathan D. Moreno. Sam Berger. Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy and Politics. – 2010
34. George Letsas. A Theory of Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights. – 2007
35. Debora Simonton. Women in European Culture and Society. – 2011 Anna Clark. The History of Sexuality in Europe. – 2011 (ISBN13: 978 0 415 78 139 8)
– Attendance is required
– Participation in seminar discussion
– Mid-term take-home exam
– Inpidual class presentation
– Final scientific-research paper (2 pages of own reflection)
Participation in seminar discussion will account for 50%
Mid-term exam will account for 15 %
Inpidual class presentation will account for 15%
Final scientific-research paper will account for 20%