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Пн-пт: 9.00 – 18.00
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Петр Річард Костів
The Oxford companion to the supreme court of the United States / ed. James W. Ely, Jjel B. Grossman. William M. Wiecek.- New York: Oxford University press, 1992.- 1032 p.
Bainbridge S.M. Corporation Law and Economics / Stephen M. Bainbridge.- New York: Foundation Press, 2002.- 884 p.
Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice / td. by Lloyd L. Weinreb.- Ntw York: Foundation Press, 1999.- 1096 p.
Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice / еd. by Lloyd L. Weinreb.- Ntw York: Foundation Press, 2002.- 1156 p.
Montauk R. How Get the Top Law schools / Richard Montauk.- New York: Prentice Hall Press, 2001.- 528 p.
Federal rules of Civil procedure: with resources for study, 2008-2009 / ed. by Stephen N. Subrin, Martha L. Minow, Mark S. Brodin, Thomas O. Main.- Austin: Wolters Kluwer, Law & business, 2008.- 386 p.
Cheffins R.B. Corporate Ownership and Control: British Business Transformed / Brrian R. Cheffins.- New York: Oxford Unirvesity Press, 2008.- 423 p.
Carias A.R. Constitutional protection of human rights in Latin America: a comparative study of amparo proceedings / Allan R. Brewer-Carias.- Cambridge: Cambridge Uriversity Press, 2009.- 432 p.
Port K.L. Transcending law: the unintended life of Article 9 of Japanese Constitution/ Kenneth L. Port.- Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2009.-278 p.
Curry J.E. A Short Course in International Economics: Understanding the dynamics of the international marketplace / Jeffrey. E. Curry.- Novato: World Trade Press, 2000.- 184 p.
Okafor C.O. The African human right system, activist forces, and international institutions / Obiora Chinedu Okafor.- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.- 336 p.
Turow S. One L l: the Turbulent true story of first year at Harvard law School / Scott Turow.- New York; Boston: Warner books, 1988.- 287 p.
Calnan A. Duty and integrity in tort law / Alan Calnan.- Durham, Nort Carolina: Carolina Academic press, 2009.- 200 p.
Teaching of intellectual property: principles and methods / ed. by Yo Takagi, larry Allman, Mpazi A. Sinjela.- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.- 333 p.
Bazerman M.H. Negotiating rationally / Max H.Bazerman, Margaret A. Neale.- New York: The Free Press, 1992.- 196 p.
Trends in world trade: essays honor Sylvia Ostry / ed. by Alan S. Alexndroff.- Durham, Nort Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2007.- 254 p.
Justice Gained? Crime and Crime control in South Africa’s transition / ed. by Bill Dixon and Elrena Van der Spuy.- Cape Town: UCT Press, 2004.- 266 p.
Civilizing authority: society, state, and church / ed. by Patric McKinley Brennan.- New York: Lexington Books, 2007.- 230 p.
Protecting the World’s Impact of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Diverse Legal Systems / UNICEF.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.- 272 p.
Drumbl M.A. Atrocity, punishment, and international law / Mark A. Drumbl.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.- 298 p.
Basic douments: including amendment adopted up 31 May 2009.- 47-th ed.- World Health Organizatio, 2009.- 190 p.
Todd P. E-commerce Law: reader in law, University of Wales Swansea / Paul Todd.- London: Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2005.- 266 p.
Plato on rhetoric: and language for key dialogues / introduction by Jean Nienkamp.- New York; london: Routledge, 2008.- 220 p.
Collins H. The European civil code: the way forward / Hugh Collins.- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.- 267 p.
Beyond Environmental Law: policy proposals for a better environmental future / ed. by Alyson C. Flournoy, David M. Driesen.- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.- 276 p.
Esposito J.L. The Islamic Threat / J.L.Esposito.- New York; Oxford: Oxford Unirversity Press, 1992.- 247 p.
Lippman T.W. Understanding Islam: an introduction to the Muslim world / Thomas W. Lippman.- 2 rev. ed.- New York: A Meridian Book, 1995.- 198 p
Vagts F.D. Basic corporation law: Materials-Cases-Text / F.D.Vagts; Detlev F. Vagts.- 3d ed.- Westbury; New York: The Foundation Press, Inc., 1989.- 818 p.
Cribbet J.E.J. Principles of the law of property/ John E. Cribbet, Corwin W. Johnson.- 3d ed.- Westbury; new York: Foundation Press, inc., 1989.- 481 p.
The Oxford Companion to American Law / ed. David S. Clark, James W. Ely, Joel Grossman, N.T.H. Hull.- New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.- 912 p.